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Nevin E. Adams, JD

By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 6/10/2013
I’ve never been much good in the kitchen. I’ve neither the patience and discipline to follow most recipes, nor the innate sense for the right balance of ingredients that those with culinary talent seem to have. That said, I learned the hard way years ago that if you mix the right items in the wrong... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 6/4/2013
I recently joined the throngs of humanity that went to the theaters to see “Iron Man 3.” I grew up reading Marvel Comics, and for the (very) most part, seeing those characters brought to life on the big screen has been a real treat. I had been curious about the new Iron Man movie for some time,... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 5/28/2013
Recently, the Wall Street Journal’s Anne Tergesen wrote a story titled, “Mixed Bag for Auto-enrollment.” Citing data presented at the recent EBRI Policy Forum, [1. Materials from EBRI’s 72nd Policy Forum, including a link to a recording of the event (courtesy of the International Foundation of... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 5/21/2013
Recently a reporter asked me which finding in the 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey most surprised me, before acknowledging that maybe there wasn’t anything to be surprised about in a survey that has now been conducted for nearly a quarter century.For advisors, finding that retirement confidence is... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 5/14/2013
Generalizations are often misleading, but I think it’s fair to say that some people (specifically those of the male gender) are notoriously reluctant to ask for directions — even when it’s painfully clear to everyone else traveling in their company that they are “lost.” If you’re not one of those... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 5/3/2013
The recent release of EBRI’s 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS) got a lot of attention. The headlines were mostly about Americans’ lack of confidence in their prospects for a financially secure retirement; indeed, the percentage “not at all confident” hit an all-time high for the RCS, while... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 4/30/2013
Last week, PBS’ “Frontline” program aired a segment on retirement entitled “The Retirement Gamble.”During the broadcast several individual cases were profiled:• a single mother who lost her job (and a lot of money that she had apparently overinvested in company stock);• a middle-aged couple whose... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 4/23/2013
One of my favorite short stories is Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder.” For those who haven’t read it (or who perhaps think that the fairly awful 2005 film of the same name does the story justice), the story takes place in the future when, having figured out time travel, mankind has found a way to... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 3/21/2013
I was at the NAPA/ASPPA 401(k) Summit earlier this month when a weather pattern emerged that threatened both my connecting flight and my arrival back home. Alerted to the potential problem the afternoon before I was scheduled to speak, I began seeking alternatives. Eventually, I was able to reroute... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 3/15/2013
Though there’s precious little worth watching on television these days, I’ll confess to having developed a fondness for the Sunday night shows that have sprung up all over cable television — series like Downton Abbey, Mad Men, Hell on Wheels, and yes, The Walking Dead. These not only keep me up on... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 3/12/2013
If you’re a parent, sooner or later your children will inform you — as you doubtless you told your parents — that “that’s not the way things are now!” It’s a potent retort to whatever social more is at issue because, whether it involves a choice in dress, curfew or even resume preparation, our... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 2/26/2013
One of my favorite memories of visiting my grandparents over the holidays was working on jigsaw puzzles. These were generally large, complicated affairs — whose construction was spread over days, as various family members would stop by to work on a section, to build on a border, or sometimes... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 2/12/2013
“401(k) breaches undermining retirement security for millions,” read the headline of a recent article in the Washington Post. No, we’re not talking about some kind of data-hacking scandal or new identity theft breach. Rather, those “breaches” are loans and withdrawals from 401(k) plans. Providing... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 2/5/2013
Advisors who have undertaken any number of designation or certification exams can attest that a mainstay of multiple-choice test instruction is the admonition to select the “single best answer.” Generally, on those examinations there’s only one “correct” answer, but there are times when the... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/29/2013
Trying to figure out how much money an individual or couple needs to live on in retirement is, to put it mildly, a complicated business.As advisors well know, it depends on a range of factors, including the age at which the individual retires, where they live, how they live, marital status and... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/24/2013
You may remember little else about the 1989 film “Field of Dreams,” but odds are you’ve invoked a version of what is probably its most famous line: “If you build it, he will come.” Unfortunately, for most retirement plan participants, building retirement savings is more complicated than... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/17/2013
I was driving home recently when my dashboard lit up with a warning that in just 63 miles, I’d run out of gas. I appreciated the warning — my car has one of those gauges that seems to fall faster once you get under a quarter of a tank — so it was nice to get not just a warning, but a specific... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/8/2013
Sooner or later, at just about every retirement plan conference, you’ll hear someone — and generally more than just one someone — cite the statistic that “only about half of working Americans are covered by a workplace retirement plan.” In fact, as an advisor, I’d be surprised if you hadn’t passed... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/26/2012
Years ago, when my kids were still kids, we discovered an ingenious website that purported to offer a real-time assessment of your “naughty or nice” status. (Thankfully, it still exists, here.)As parents, we rarely invoked the name of Santa to encourage good behavior, but no tone of voice or... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/3/2012
The total amount of assets held by private-sector retirement plans increased 14%, to $6.3 trillion, in 2010, according to the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA). Defined benefit plan assets increased 12%, to $2.4 trillion, and defined contribution plan assets increased by 16%, to $3.8... READ MORE

